November 7, 2011

Pick a Card - MOPS meeting tomorrow!

Pick a Card - Choose Your Own Seminars

Tomorrow is your chance to design your own MOPS experience – you may pick any 3 of the following seminars to attend.  Come on time at 9:15am so you have a chance to sign up for the cupcake seminar, and wear sneakers and comfy clothes so you are prepared for Jazzercise.   If you are having trouble choosing, just roll the dice and have some fun!

1) "Every Time I Remember" – Williams Chapel, Bev Mayne                                                     

 Are you a mom with memories of your children or other family members you want to hold on to?  One way to do that is by making a memory journal for them.  This seminar will give practical tips about how to use writing to preserve those precious family memories and make them ones you all can enjoy for a lifetime.

2) Time Management – Choir Room, Judy Poling                                                                         

Learn how to prioritize and manage your time as a busy mother of young children.  You will come away from this seminar with dozens of practical tips you can start using right away to restore a little more organization to your hectic life.

3) Cupcake Decorating – Kitchen, Jocelyn Velez                                      

Learn from a professional cake decorator and get some hands on practice during the cupcake seminar.  You will leave with a copy of the recipes, a new frosting bag with decorator tip, and your very own cupcake masterpiece.  Space is limited for this seminar, so be sure to sign up for a spot! (No children allowed for safety reasons, please.)

4) Jazzercise – Orchestra Room, Michele Cowart                                                                            

Come have some fun and burn hundreds of calories at a mini-Jazzercise session!  This is a fun and fast-paced workout with cardio kickboxing, dance, and Pilates based moments.  Wear sneakers and comfy clothes. 

5) Do-It-Yourself Home Repair – Conference Room, Steve Miller                                           
Would you like to learn how to perform basic repairs on typical problem areas found around the house?  Come to this informative seminar and get some instruction on how to patch holes in walls, fix a running toilet, deal with problem grout, and more.

6) Auto Emergencies – Main Lobby/Parking Lot, George Hong                                               

You probably have a spare tire and jumper cables in your trunk, but are you confident enough to use them in an emergency?  After this seminar you will be!  Meet in the Main Lobby, and from there we’ll head to some demonstration cars in the parking lot.  (No children allowed for safety reasons, please.)

Hope While Waiting