May 13, 2013

MOPS Early Registration in May

Early registration for MOPS 2013/2014 is tomorrow!  Register soon to secure your spot in Castro Valley MOPS for the fall.

Options for early registration:

*Pay $22 to join MOPS International during May (regular price is $24)
*Add another $63 to pay your CV MOPS dues for the full year - that's a total of $85 for an awesome year!  This price is available during May only.

Registration costs and dues in the fall:

*$24 to join MOPS International
*$77 dues for the year
*$28 dues per trimester

The option to pay per meeting dues will no longer be available.

Download and print the 2013 MOPS emergency form and bring it with you tomorrow to save your kids a place in MOPPETS!  We will begin a waiting list again once our MOPPETS program is full, so don't wait to register.  If you are unable to be at MOPS tomorrow, you can mail your form and check - email Christy at to get an address to send your registration to.  The early registration prices are effective for May only.

Scholarships are available - ask Christy, Julia, or Lena for a confidential scholarship form.

We look forward to having you join us for the 2013/2014 year!!!

Hope While Waiting