September 7, 2015

MOPS Begins!

We are so looking forward to beginning our new MOPS year tomorrow morning!  As a reminder, our meeting is from 9:15 to 11:30am, and we will begin with brunch provided by our fabulous leadership team.  Come as early as 9:00 to check your kids in to MOPPETS. 

Our group does have a waiting list for some of our childcare rooms - want to check availability or get on the waiting list?  Great!  Fill out the Interest Form here and we will be in touch.  Moms who do not need childcare are welcome to join us anytime - please contact so we know to expect you!

You will notice a change in check-in this year!  We have a central check-in station for MOPS located in the main lobby (where the restrooms are).  So, here's what you do when you come:

  1. Check with a clipboard holding greeter on the patio!  They will send all pre-registered moms to the MOPPETS check-in.  All moms who have registered in August or September will need to head inside first to finish registering.
  2. At MOPPETS check-in in the main lobby, a lovely worker will ask for your name and check-in all of your kids on the computer.  You will receive a label for each child's back, a label for diaper bags, and one label for you to keep.
  3. Drop off your kids in their MOPPETS rooms - we will have maps and helpers to give directions.
  4. Head to the meeting room in Williams Chapel and check yourself in at the welcome table!  Then write your name on a raffle ticket, and if you are there by 9:15 you get a bonus entry for being on time!!
Moms who are not bringing their kids can skip steps 2 and 3 above!

You should already have received a message from your Discussion Group Leader (DGL) letting you know your table assignment - so in the meeting room find your table and meet a new friend!  If you haven't heard from your DGL yet, please reply to this e-mail and let me know.

Thanks!  See you tomorrow!

July 17, 2015

July 21 Playdate!

We will have our second MOPS playdate of the summer, next Tuesday, July 21 from 10am to 12pm at Greenridge Park - 6108 Greenridge Rd, Castro Valley! Bring your friends, your kids, and some snacks or a picnic lunch.  Looking forward to seeing you all there!

June 8, 2015

Playdate June 8 in Pleasanton

Join other MOPS moms for a playdate tomorrow, Tuesday June 9 from 9:30 to 11:30 am at Ken Mercer Sports Park in Pleasanton!  We’ll be at the playground all the way at the end.
The address is 5800 Parkside Dr. Pleasanton.  Click here for a map.

April 13, 2015

Pre-Registration for 2015/2016!

UPDATE: Pre-registration is now closed.  We will begin regular registration again in August.  To let us know of your interest you can fill out the short form at  We already have a waiting list for some of the baby and toddler MOPPETS rooms, so get on the interest list so you can be near the top!  We want to welcome as many moms as possible to our group this fall. Thanks!

It is time to pre-register for the next MOPS year!  We will be accepting registration renewal for current members during April.  During May any mom may register, so invite your friends!  We will close pre-registration on May 26, 2015.  Our regular registration will re-open on August 1.  We will begin a waiting list as soon as each MOPPETS childcare room is full.  After you register you will receive a message to confirm that there is space for your children in our program.

The first step to register is fill out our online registration form.  (Link no longer available.)

In addition to filling out our online pre-registration form, each member needs to print and turn in an online registration supplement.  You may turn it in at a MOPS meeting in April or May, or you can mail it to Castro Valley MOPS (address is below).  We will have a few printed forms at our meetings if you are not able to print at home. 
The cost for early registration (on or before May 26) is $107 for the whole year.  $23 of this goes to MOPS International and is NOT refundable, but can be transferred to another MOPS group.  Paying by the year gives you 4 free meetings, including our always free spring tea meeting.  You may also choose to pay by the trimester - each trimester will be $35 (five meetings per trimester).  So to pre-register if paying by trimester you will owe $58 now, $23 of which is not refundable (then $35 in the winter and $35 next spring).  You can bring a check made out to Redwood Chapel to our MOPS meetings in April or May. Or you can  mail your check to:

Castro Valley MOPS
Redwood Chapel
19300 Redwood Road
Castro Valley, CA 94546

Regular registration begins August 1, and those costs will be $116 for the year (3 free meetings) or  $60 for the fall trimester only (then $35 each for winter and spring trimesters).  $25 of this goes to MOPS International and is NOT refundable, but can be transferred to another MOPS group.

Scholarships to attend MOPS are available.  If you need a scholarship please fill out the scholarship form and turn in when you submit your online registration supplement. 

Registering for MOPS International and paying dues will secure you and your children a place in Castro Valley MOPS and our MOPPETS childcare program.  MOPS International membership is required in order to join our local MOPS group.  Membership includes a subscription to the MOPS magazine, a bracelet, A Fierce Flourishing guidebook, postcards, an art print, music downloads, a weekly inspirational email, exclusive discount offers, and a few surprises!  Local MOPS dues provide for craft supplies, special publications, hospitality gifts and decorations, brunch supplies, speaker fees, leadership training, and MOPPET worker appreciation gifts.  We have fundraisers to help defray these expenses and keep our dues low.

We look forward to seeing you at MOPS in the 2015/2016 year as we experience A Fierce Flourishing together!

If you have any questions please contact Christy at

Hope While Waiting