September 7, 2015

MOPS Begins!

We are so looking forward to beginning our new MOPS year tomorrow morning!  As a reminder, our meeting is from 9:15 to 11:30am, and we will begin with brunch provided by our fabulous leadership team.  Come as early as 9:00 to check your kids in to MOPPETS. 

Our group does have a waiting list for some of our childcare rooms - want to check availability or get on the waiting list?  Great!  Fill out the Interest Form here and we will be in touch.  Moms who do not need childcare are welcome to join us anytime - please contact so we know to expect you!

You will notice a change in check-in this year!  We have a central check-in station for MOPS located in the main lobby (where the restrooms are).  So, here's what you do when you come:

  1. Check with a clipboard holding greeter on the patio!  They will send all pre-registered moms to the MOPPETS check-in.  All moms who have registered in August or September will need to head inside first to finish registering.
  2. At MOPPETS check-in in the main lobby, a lovely worker will ask for your name and check-in all of your kids on the computer.  You will receive a label for each child's back, a label for diaper bags, and one label for you to keep.
  3. Drop off your kids in their MOPPETS rooms - we will have maps and helpers to give directions.
  4. Head to the meeting room in Williams Chapel and check yourself in at the welcome table!  Then write your name on a raffle ticket, and if you are there by 9:15 you get a bonus entry for being on time!!
Moms who are not bringing their kids can skip steps 2 and 3 above!

You should already have received a message from your Discussion Group Leader (DGL) letting you know your table assignment - so in the meeting room find your table and meet a new friend!  If you haven't heard from your DGL yet, please reply to this e-mail and let me know.

Thanks!  See you tomorrow!

Hope While Waiting