February 22, 2016

Choose Your Flourish Seminar Meeting!

Tomorrow is our seminar meeting, and you may choose 2 seminars to attend!  Here are your choices:

Seminar #1: Appreciating the Gifts of Family Members – Jimetta Mayne

Grow your passion for your unique family and encourage each member to do what makes his or her heart sing. Focus on how to flourish and build a strong family tone while you all live out your individual passions. 

Seminar #2: Marriage – Michael & Margaret Redemer

Michael and Margaret are marriage mentors, and their goal is to see young couples establish healthy marriages. Come be encouraged and hear their words of wisdom!

Seminar #3: Healthy Sleep – Arlene Fryling, RN

Arlene is a registered nurse and a Child Sleep Consultant. Come learn her tips for healthy sleep! Session 1 will focus on infants up to age 13 months. Session 2 will focus on toddlers age 14 months and up.


Hope While Waiting