August 17, 2011

Mom-opoly: Being Bold, Loving, and Sensible in the Game of Motherhood

Most women wonder:

  • How do I find balance as the mother of a small child?
  • Should I trust my intuition?
  • With so much available information, how do I discern what’s best?
  • What are the most important family values, and how do I pass them on?
Developing a mothering strategy is somewhat like playing a game — and this year’s theme is appropriately game related. Have fun being a mom! Playing games involves being bold and taking risks, loving those in the game with us and being sensible while figuring out what works and what doesn’t.

Just as in real-life, sometimes in games, unexpected, "chance" events occur, abruptly changing our paths. We must regroup and determine our next steps. Sometimes we follow the instructions of "experts." Sometimes we follow the advice of trusted friends. Sometimes we decide our "house rules" work best for our family. Teaming together with other moms is a great strategy. Relying on a spouse or mentor can help us play more effectively. And, most of all, developing a strong God-connection is essential for mothering. Growing as a mom through the analogy of game playing assures every mom gains confidence in her abilities as a mom.

Team up with us this year at Castro Valley MOPS as we play the game of Mom-opoly together!

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