May 1, 2012

Spring Tea - May 8

You are invited to our MOPS Spring Tea next Tuesday, May 8!  This is a free event for all women, so invite your mother, sister, or another friend to come share our "garden party" at MOPS.  Bring your own tea cup and come enjoy yummy treats, special music, and the humor and wisdom of our speaker Wendy Hagen. 

Wendy grew up in the San Francisco Bay area with her Mom, Dad and two older brothers. She enjoyed roller skating, pop warner cheerleading, softball, dancing, acting and bowling with her Dad. She left for Hollywood in 8th grade and returned home to graduate from high school her senior year. Then it was off to UCLA to pursue a degree in Mass Communications. She was a member of the UCLA Dance Team and Athletes in Action. Wendy continues to be a diehard Bruins fan.

While on a retreat with the Bel Air Presbyterian College Group, Wendy met her husband, Shiloh. They got married in 1998 and moved to San Mateo, CA where Shiloh served as a Youth Pastor for two and half years. They have lived in the Bay Area ever since. Shiloh and Wendy experienced heartbreak when they learned during the 5th month of Wendy's pregnancy that their baby had a fatal condition, Trisomy 13. Their daughter, Faith, was born on December 11, 2002 and went to heaven four days later. It was a very difficult journey, but it was a time when Wendy experienced the love and presence of God like never before.

They were blessed with Elijah thirteen months later! He was fat, healthy and happy. Along came bossy and assertive Lydia in May of 2006. Their latest addition Jordis, came out of the womb in July of 2008 and has given the family much joy. Most days, Wendy loves being a stay-at-home. Some days she wishes she could be . . . anything else. She knows that she is not alone in these sentiments and is passionate about encouraging moms as they navigate through the challenges, surprises, triumphs and craziness of motherhood.

To learn more about Wendy (and enjoy a few laughs) check out her blog, Tales From the Motherhood:

Hope to see you next Tuesday!

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